A modern alternative to fluorescent under-cabinet lighting. The LEDs produce a warm white (3000K) light that will enhance the appearance of any modern...More
A modern alternative to fluorescent under-cabinet lighting. The LEDs p...
Environmentally friendly White LED striplight - Offers approximately 50,000 hours of light. 2 metre mains lead supplied, so no transformers or drivers...More
Environmentally friendly White LED striplight - Offers approximately 5...
The Hera is an LED, surface mounted under cabinet light finished in satin nickel. This under cabinet fitting comes with Colour Changing Technology (CC...More
The Hera is an LED, surface mounted under cabinet light finished in sa...
Flexibility and function mean that LED tape can be fitted almost everywhere. Comes with links, corner tape and butt connectors for fit anywhere conven...More
Flexibility and function mean that LED tape can be fitted almost every...